“Hot Beach People” is how I’m going to start referring to Puerto going forwards 😆 Glad you leaned in and ended up enjoying your time there! It’s a special place, though I understand why many people don’t click with it. Hope to cross paths with you there one day if you come back!
Thank you for reminding me to read Cultish.
Captures a deep rumbling sentiment about friendship & community I’d long felt but been unable to put into words ✅
A prosperity gospel MLM coffee shop ✅
A Leftovers reference! ✅
“Hot Beach People” is how I’m going to start referring to Puerto going forwards 😆 Glad you leaned in and ended up enjoying your time there! It’s a special place, though I understand why many people don’t click with it. Hope to cross paths with you there one day if you come back!
Thank you for all your guidance and recommendations! It's a very special place, as promised. 🥲